Get to know us

What do we do?

We help e-commerce visionary entrepreneurs grow their businesses and make a positive impact with data-driven and innovative digital marketing solutions.

Services and history

Vilcabamba was born from a simple thought: "We can do this so much better!" Let's face it, truly understanding a client's business, customers, market, trends, and competitors is a herculean task, especially when one person is juggling 5-15 clients. That's the sad reality of most digital marketing agencies.

In a world where most digital marketing agencies spread themselves thin, Vilcabamba chose a different path. We see ourselves as more than just your agency; we are your committed partners. Our approach is holistic, focusing on nurturing every aspect of your business, not just the advertising front.

Our mantra? Quality over quantity. We work with a select few clients who are ready for major growth, crafting deals that make us both winners as we scale together. That's the Vilcabamba way – growing together, one success story at a time. 🚀✨

People and culture

Our collective personality
  • Honest & Transparent: We tell it like it is, plain and simple.

  • Easygoing & Direct: We’re allergic to sugar coating.

  • Edgy & Young-at-Heart: We embrace change and new ideas like we embrace a fresh cup of coffee on a Monday morning.

  • Professional & Expert: We're nerds, and we're proud of it. We're data detectives, diving deep into the numbers to uncover insights and plot your path to success.

  • Quirky & Unconventional: We're a unique breed of marketers with a dash of hippie spirit, living free and thinking wild. We're free spirits who aren't afraid to take a trip on the wild side in search of fresh, innovative ideas.

  • Heart & Impact: At Vilcabamba, we blend inventive marketing with a heartfelt commitment to people and the planet. We prioritize a joyful, stress-free approach as the cornerstone of innovation and success. Our focus isn't just on profits, but on positively impacting lives.

Jonas Jacevičius

Problem solver.

In love with business in general🚀.

Enthusiast of 🥊🇹🇭muay thai, psychology, & spiritualism.

Evelina Kvašytė

The marketing mind💡

“I’m chaotic when generating ideas but in love with structure when it comes to strategy.” Can’t live without traveling, cycling and my plants at the moment 🤭

Gytis Abelkis

Operational mind.⚙️
Traveling, moto, cars, gym🏋️ and extreme sports enthusiast. In love with learning process and balanced lifestyle🧘

Chief Empathy Officer aka CMO
Evelina Kvašytė

The marketing mind💡

I love the excitement of coming up with new ideas, but I find joy in carefully organizing these ideas into successful strategies. I can't live without traveling, cycling, and my plants at the moment. 🤭

Chief Harmonizer of Human Potential aka HR
Gytis Abelkis

Planner and executor 🌟
In our boutique team, I fuse media buying excellence with a knack for team motivation, steering clients toward success and harmonizing our internal dynamics. Off duty, I'm all about motorbikes, extreme sports, and finding balance in meditation🧘.

Chief Happiness Officer aka CEO
Jonas Jacevičius

The Visionary 🌅

A mindful entrepreneur by day and a spiritual explorer by night, I love to explore both worlds and find balance in them. I believe that human beings are limitless. Enthusiast of 🥊🇹🇭muay thai, discovering inner limits, & spiritual practices.

Our collective personality
  • Honest & Transparent: We tell it like it is, plain and simple.

  • Easygoing & Direct: We’re allergic to sugar coating.

  • Edgy & Young-at-Heart: We embrace change and new ideas like we embrace a fresh cup of coffee on a Monday morning.

  • Professional & Expert: We're nerds, and we're proud of it. We're data detectives, diving deep into the numbers to uncover insights and plot your path to success.

  • Quirky & Unconventional: We're a unique breed of marketers with a dash of hippie spirit, living free and thinking wild. We're free spirits who aren't afraid to take a trip on the wild side in search of fresh, innovative ideas.

  • Heart & Impact: At Vilcabamba, we blend inventive marketing with a heartfelt commitment to people and the planet. We prioritize a joyful, stress-free approach as the cornerstone of innovation and success. Our focus isn't just on profits, but on positively impacting lives.

People and culture


Empathy-Driven Marketing

At times, we liken ourselves to magicians. There's an art to what we do: subtly influencing people through understanding their thoughts, emotions, and communication styles.

We dive deep into what our customers love or loathe, their key pain points, and their triggers for buying or not buying a product. Armed with this insight, we craft offers, ads, and creatives that strike an emotional and logical chord, write compelling copy, and develop personalized landing pages and email campaigns.

Our approach is so seamless that it influences people without them even realizing it.

This power comes with responsibility, and that's why we choose to work exclusively with brands and products that genuinely benefit people or the planet. By doing so, we channel our strengths and expertise towards making a positive change in the world.

Looking for Real Impact? We Blend Success with Consciousness.

At the heart of our approach is a simple belief: everything starts with a thought, a vibration. Positive thoughts attract positivity, while stress and anxiety can unfortunately draw even bigger problems. We're convinced that joy and love are the keys to unlocking success and financial flow, while stress and negativity create blockages.

Meditation is more than a practice in our agency; it's a cornerstone of our daily routine, setting positive intentions and embracing proactive living.

Our learning extends beyond business norms, with workshops led by spiritual leaders and psychologists that shape our perspective on business and life. We aim to enjoy our work, share good times with colleagues and partners, and create significant impacts on people's lives.

For us, those we work with aren't just clients; they're like-minded partners. Together, we can achieve great success and make a positive difference.

Setting the Pace for Positive Change: Leading by Example

We, as a team, have collectively decided to implement the following mandatory practices as part of our daily/weekly routine. This decision was reached during a three-day workshop where we discussed our preferences, shared our visions, and subsequently shaped our agency's vision. These practices are not just encouraged but chosen by every team member, reflecting our collective commitment and enthusiasm:

Daily Meditation: Every day, we begin our first work hour with meditation. This practice is a chosen commitment by each team member, and our agency compensates employees for this time.

5 Love Languages Principles: Each team member has agreed to do a favor or surprise for another team member once per month, in line with their preferred love language. This practice is a collective decision, emphasizing personal appreciation and understanding.

Start meetings with positivity/gratitude: Regardless of the agenda, we begin every meeting by sharing something positive or expressing gratitude.

Regular Physical Activity: Committing to physical well-being, each team member engages in their chosen type of sport or exercise at least three times a week. This practice is a result of our mutual agreement on the importance of physical health.

Work-Life Balance and Burnout Identification: To support each other’s well-being, we have collectively established a monthly process to monitor and discuss our work-life balance and identify any signs of burnout. Each team member has a personalized plan to prevent burnout, and we all commit to following these plans.

Intentional Learning: Every month, each of us dedicates time to personal growth, whether it be through reading or taking courses. We then share our learning experiences with the team, fostering an environment of continuous personal and professional development.

If our approach resonates with you, it's time to explore our potential collaboration.

We have successfully and profitably scaled brands of all sizes, from small startups to established names.

Our expertise and aligned values equip us to help you achieve your dream outcome.

The crucial question remains: are we simply visionaries with ambitious ideals, or the key to your brand's sustainable growth?

The answer lies in taking the next step.

Please fill out our form to see if we are a good match for each other. This is the first step towards aligning our values, methods, and proven experience with your goals.

Ready to grow?


Whatsapp: +37068372030